Another walk about after dark. It's my point of view..
I try to run. I run as fast as I possibly can. I need to get away from it all, or to catch up, maybe even get ahead.
It's hard when I'm sad all the time. I have nothing to do. Nothing to work towards. I see no future with me in it.
All I see is this black hole that keeps pulling me in, slowing down time the further away from reality I get.
There's too much, and not nearly enough. I want to free my soul. I want to run and hide. I wish to leave my body and turn it into dust. As free as the stars who once gave their energy for me to have. It's my turn to explode.
It's hard when I'm sad all the time. I have nothing to do. Nothing to work towards. I see no future with me in it.
All I see is this black hole that keeps pulling me in, slowing down time the further away from reality I get.
There's too much, and not nearly enough. I want to free my soul. I want to run and hide. I wish to leave my body and turn it into dust. As free as the stars who once gave their energy for me to have. It's my turn to explode.
If I'm lucky I'll try for two at best..

I wish I was more like You.
Not because of who You are or what You do.
You have problems just like me, maybe even more.
But You don't just sit around watching the time pass You by,
and then wonder why everything's still the same.
Like I always have, and probably always will.
You try and try and You'll try a thousand times before You rest. Maybe I'll try for a second. If I'm lucky I'll try for two at best..
Honestly, like I've said before. I don't care of who or what I am or will become.
I just want to be happy, if even just for a while. Just a minute.
Just one second of my life. I'd like to be happy.
Tainted with shadows..
I wish I could be happy. I'm tired of being envious of all your traits. I don't even care. All I want is to be happy. To feel the lightness of a mood that's not tainted with shadows. To feel a smile creeping up on me while I least expect it, a smile that's real. I wish for happiness, and all that comes with. I really don't care who I am as long as I avoid the sadness and my constant depression..
Life just isn't the right environment for me.
What I am, what I'm not. What I've become and what I'm supposed to be.
I'm not interested anymore. Life just isn't the right environment for me.
And I'm sad all the time, and alone, even when I'm not. It's just not for me.