Random thought in the night.
There was this man, he couldn't die, not even if he tried to fly.
He threw his body off a cliff, fast he fell and he got quite stiff.
He ran and ran till his legs he broke, his feet were sore but not much more.
Drank his poison, hope to die, he ate his pills and began to cry.
He woke up later that same day, at a loss for words he tried to pray.
"Dear sweet God, what have I done?", wanted an answer but there was none.
He watched his friends begin to age, his body filling up with rage.
He himself stayed young year after year, that much was quite clear.
At 150, he had lost his hope, he stopped making friends, he couldn't cope.
Though they wither, he stays the same. He's still looking but there's no one to blame.
He threw his body off a cliff, fast he fell and he got quite stiff.
He ran and ran till his legs he broke, his feet were sore but not much more.
Drank his poison, hope to die, he ate his pills and began to cry.
He woke up later that same day, at a loss for words he tried to pray.
"Dear sweet God, what have I done?", wanted an answer but there was none.
He watched his friends begin to age, his body filling up with rage.
He himself stayed young year after year, that much was quite clear.
At 150, he had lost his hope, he stopped making friends, he couldn't cope.
Though they wither, he stays the same. He's still looking but there's no one to blame.