Under the soft moonlight and the 50's streetlights over our heads.
I kissed a boy once.
He was so tall that I had to stand two steps up on the stairs to even reach.
I didn't like him very much, but he was sweet and he told me I was beautiful.
No one had ever said something like that to me before.
It's usually not a rare thing, or even an odd thing to say.
But when he said it there, under the soft moonlight and the 50's streetlights over our heads, I really did feel beautiful.
In a way I had never done before. I kissed him then.
Not even because I liked the idea of him, but because I believed his words to be true.
He was so tall that I had to stand two steps up on the stairs to even reach.
I didn't like him very much, but he was sweet and he told me I was beautiful.
No one had ever said something like that to me before.
It's usually not a rare thing, or even an odd thing to say.
But when he said it there, under the soft moonlight and the 50's streetlights over our heads, I really did feel beautiful.
In a way I had never done before. I kissed him then.
Not even because I liked the idea of him, but because I believed his words to be true.
Confession #3
"I don't like people, it's rare that someone comes along I can even tolerate."
It's like the night is taking sides.
And I'm afraid to sleep because of what haunts me.
Such as living with the uncertainty, that I'll never find the words to say -
which would completely explain, just how I'm breaking down.
Like the sea, I'm constantly changing from calm to hell.
Madness fills my heart and soul as if the great divide could swallow me whole.
Oh, how I'm breaking down.
Such as living with the uncertainty, that I'll never find the words to say -
which would completely explain, just how I'm breaking down.
Like the sea, I'm constantly changing from calm to hell.
Madness fills my heart and soul as if the great divide could swallow me whole.
Oh, how I'm breaking down.
Confession #2.
Nothing makes me happier than watching old Disney films..
Literally Nothing.
Literally Nothing.
I'm not even on drugs i'm just weird.
For some reason I can't get you out of my head.
I don't even like you, by that I mean, I literally used to hate being near you.
Until I didn't. Until I got used to having you around.
Until I actually missed you when you weren't there.
It got to the point where I craved you so much I actually cried a bit.
I never cry, people cry all the time.
I don't even cry when watching Titanic, BITCH, what have you done to me?!
I don't even like you, by that I mean, I literally used to hate being near you.
Until I didn't. Until I got used to having you around.
Until I actually missed you when you weren't there.
It got to the point where I craved you so much I actually cried a bit.
I never cry, people cry all the time.
I don't even cry when watching Titanic, BITCH, what have you done to me?!
Confession #1.
I'm not afraid of the dark.
The light, though, is a whole different thing.
The light, though, is a whole different thing.
Dream Apartment #3.
Brutal Hearts.
Och samtidigt som vi låg där i sängen, benen tvinnade om varandra,
kom jag än en gång på mig själv att fundera på om han tänkte på mig.
- Eller på henne.
Han kysste mig i pannan och jag ryste till,
jag ryggade tillbaka..
"Vad tänker du på?"
- "Dig så klart"
Och där var det, jag hann precis se det.
Hans svaghet, den näst intill obefintliga rynkan i pannan. Så var det med det.
Och som om han väntat på det åkte han ensam hem på bussen mitt i natten,
vi hördes aldrig av mer efter det.
kom jag än en gång på mig själv att fundera på om han tänkte på mig.
- Eller på henne.
Han kysste mig i pannan och jag ryste till,
jag ryggade tillbaka..
"Vad tänker du på?"
- "Dig så klart"
Och där var det, jag hann precis se det.
Hans svaghet, den näst intill obefintliga rynkan i pannan. Så var det med det.
Och som om han väntat på det åkte han ensam hem på bussen mitt i natten,
vi hördes aldrig av mer efter det.